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Advanced Techniques: Armando

TERM DATES: 29/03-14/06 (excl. 19/4 & 7/6)

WHEN: Wednesday 7:30pm-9pm

WHERE: Side Door Theatre

COST: $10 a week


The Armando is an improv format staple, and one that is frequently on our stages. Known under many names, you may have heard it called ASSSSCAT, or our very own Long Story Short.


Armando is a long-form improv format that starts with a storytelling-style monologue, based on an audience suggestion. After the monologue, players play improvised scenes inspired by the monologue, and the monologue may even continue, later on in the performance.Through this class, you will learn to expand your repertoire beyond short-form games as we look into a focus on some fundamental long-form improv techniques such as editing, narrative structure and group mind while also getting you prepared to perform in an Armando. You'll gain the confidence to both perform an improvised monologue and how to generate improv scene ideas in a group from any given monologue in our first format focussed class.


At the end of the term, we'll have you prepped and ready to show friends and family what you've learnt with an Armando show for our students before we move onto a new form the next term.

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